As indicated in my last blog post, I wanted to donate my bike to someone that would appreciate the story behind it and would be able to put it to good use. When I stopped off at "Two Wheeler Dealer" in Wilmington, NC at the conclusion of my ride I was planning to have my bike shipped back home but after the many blessings I received on my journey I decided to donate it so someone else could enjoy it! Today I received an email that made me so happy!
I met with Jonathan at the bike shop and he put me in touch with a gentleman in the community, Frank who assured me that he would do all he could to get my bike to a veteran that would appreciate the bike and the story behind it. Well, Frank came through big time and was able to get "Bobnick" to a US Air Force Veteran, Brian Sims! Brian will be using the bike to get back and forth from class as he begins his studies at UNC-Wilmington. Thanks to Johnathan and Jim from "Two Wheeler Dealer" for making sure Bobnick was all set up and ready for Brian to enjoy. Brian, thank you so much for your service! On behalf of my brother, my son Nick who has enlisted in the US Air Force and everyone that supported me on my bike ride across America, I hope you enjoy your new bike and may God Bless you!
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